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DISTRICT 89 1st O2O*












TLI is a format of Club Officer Training (COT) where many Districts have found success adopting.  It is a whole day training with sessions conducted concurrently, including keynotes and additional courses such as evaluation, contest judging and leadership.  The Distinguished Club Program (DCP) requirement is the same, a minimum of four club officer roles to attend four hours of training within the program.  TLI provides more choices, flexibility and value to club officers.

12 July 2020 (Sunday)

09:00 to 18:00

(In-person) theDesk United Centre, 5/F, 95 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong


(online) via zoom

* O2O means Online to Offline / Offline to Online

organised by District 89 Training Committee and Divisions H,K,G,O,Z


download agenda in PDF format

Welcome & Registration

08:30 - 09:00

For both in-person and online attendance. Fasten your seat belt and get ready!


Opening Remarks District Officers Installation Ceremony

09:00 - 09:35

Wilson Yau, DTM, District Director

Wilson has been a Toastmaster since 2010.  He is currently District Director of District 89, Toastmasters International and Past President for Oasis, Young Professional and Pioneer.  Wilson is a hardworking public speaker who has won 31 trophies in 2014-15 from Club to District Level including English, Cantonese and Mandarin. He has served District 89 since the first day of establishment including Program Quality Director, Logistics Manager, Division Governor, Area Governor and different district or division officers.

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Morning Keynote - “The new normal of levels of leadership”

09:35 - 10:05

Eddie Ng, GBS, JP, Former Secretary for Education of HKSAR (2012-17)

Eddie had made lot of new education policies for HK, including the 3 years free and quality kindergarten education for HK in 2017.

Eddie is a well known HR professional, serving over 30 years in MNCs like Motorola, Citibank, AT&T, Lucent Technologies, Jardine Fleming, JPMorgan Chase and Macquarie Securities Asia. He was President for HKIHRM, Asia Pacific Federation of HRM, and World Federation of Personnel Management Associations involving 65 countries. He was Adjunct Professor for Business School of HKBU and Shanghai University MBA . In other social services, he was Chairman of Hong Kong Examination & Assessment Authorities and Deputy Chairman of Hong Kong Institute of Education, now The Education University of Hong Kong, on top of other professional services locally, Greater Bay Area initiatives, regionally and internationally. Early this year he was elected Honorary President of International Institute of Management, a 35 years professional body.

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Leading the Club to Success / District Recognition Programs

09:35 - 10:05

Wilson Yau, DTM

District Director

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Creating a Quality Club / Moments of Truth

10:05 - 10:35

Sean Lin, DTM, Program Quality Director

Sean has been a Toastmaster since 2007.  He is currently Program Quality Director of District 89, Toastmasters International and President of ChangeMakers Toastmasters Club.  Sean is a passionate public speaker who has won District Table Topics Contest and District Evaluation Contest, and achieved Distinguished Toastmaster, the highest level of educational achievement in Toastmasters, three times.  He is also a committed leader who has served in a range of capacities including Lieutenant Governor Marketing, District Parliamentarian, Division Governor, Club Sponsor, Club Mentor, Club Coach and Club Presidents of eight Toastmasters Clubs in English, Cantonese and Putonghua, two of which he was the Founding President.

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Fuzhou Conference Promotion

11:05 - 11:15

Ben Wong, DTM

District Conference Ticketing Chair

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Concurrent Session #1 - Leadership Track (Rm A)

Service and Leadership / Global Partnership with Rotary

11:30 - 12:10

Brian Hodgson, ATMS, District Trainer

Toastmaster for over 40 years in the UK, Australia and HK; Auctioneer and PublicSpeaking coach; Rotarian for 27 years; Brian's two passions in life are Public Speaking and Rotary.

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Concurrent Session #1 - Communications Track (Rm B)

Enhancing Evaluation

11:30 - 12:10

Ruth Benny, CC CL, District Education Quality Chair

Ruth, a Toastmaster since 1998, is a champion of more than 30 public speaking contests. Previously a trainer with HSBC and HK Polytechnic University, she has helped hundreds of individuals and organizations  develop outstanding public speaking skills. Having  taken a step back from Toastmasters since 2012 when she set up her business, she is now delighted to return as District Quality Education Chair.

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Concurrent Session #2 - Leadership Track (Rm A)

Building on Achievement for Continued Success

12:20 - 13:00

Matt Steele, DTM, Past District 89 Director

Matt Steele is the District 89 Parliamentarian, and a Past District Director. A member for 11 years, and part of District Leadership for the past 8 years, Matt has completed two DTM awards, is a member of 4 clubs, and is currently the President of MDC Toastmasters Club.

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Concurrent Session #2 - Communications Track (Rm B)

Closing the Sale

12:20 - 13:00

Tina Wong, DTM, District Training Chair

Tina won numerous speech contests including Mandarin Humorous Speech Contest, Mandarin Prepared Speech Contest, Mandarin Table Topics Contest, English Evaluation Speech Champion, English Table Topics Contest 2nd runner up etc. She also assumed the Division Governor for Toastmasters International Hong Kong back in 2009/10.

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Lunch Break & Afternoon Registration

13:00 - 14:00

Afternoon Registration will commence at 13:45.



14:00 - 14:10

Joy Pamnani, CC CL PM5 EC2

Area H1 Director

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Afternoon Keynote - “用创意突破困局限” (普通話 in Putonghua)

14:10 - 14:40

余嫿(Mary Yu),香港青年發展委員會委員,傑出青年協會前主席,Mary Yu Design創辦人

余嫿(Mary Yu)热爱设计和艺术,毕业于香港理工大学设计学院设计硕士及时装设计学士,2012获选全港时尚专业女性奖(专业范畴),2011年获选香港十大杰出青年(专业范畴)。

2008年为香港申办奥运马术设计大会服装,曾经获得 “透视” 设计杂志评选为亚洲(四十骄子)之一,获选40岁以下40名杰出设计师之一。2010年两项设计作品更获得中国 “最成功设计”大奖,在中国(国际)名校服装大赛中获最佳创意大奖, 香港理工大学毕业展最佳服饰配搭大奖,2009年获义大利政府颁发设计奖学金,到威尼斯大学、义大利米兰理工大学、罗马大学交流学习设计。



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The Power of Three by District 89 International Speech Champion 2020

14:40 - 15:10

Donald Yee, ACS CL, District Trainer

Donald Yee is a motivated, personable business professional with more than 20 years experience as a Project manager, Communications Specialist and Organisation Development professional with a proven track record across a multitude of industries including construction, transportation, electricity, tobacco and arts & culture.

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Concurrent Session #3 - Core (Rm A)

President / VP Education

15:20 - 16:00

Coen Zeng, DTM, Division K Director

Coen has previously served as an Area Director, President, VPE and also a Club Mentor. He is a distinguished speaker at many clubs and events. He has travelled and visited many Toastmasters clubs around the world, and learned from the best clubs and speakers. With his extensive experience in education and public speaking, he has helped many clubs and executive committees transform their attendance, retain members and guide members to becoming better speakers.

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Concurrent Session #3 - Core (Rm B)

VP Membership / Treasurer

15:20 - 16:00

Emily Ho, DTM, Club Growth Director

Emily has joined Toastmasters since 2015. She is very passionate and achieved DTM in 3 years. She has been very supportive and has experience in taking all 8 club officers roles throughout the years. When she was the Club President, she has led the club achieve Presidents’ Distinguished with 10 DCP in 2019. She has also achieved Select Distinguished when taking up the roles as Area Director and Division Director in 2018 and 2020 respectively. She was awarded as HK Young Leader in 2011. Emily is an HR professional and Organizational Psychologist in hospitality and banking field. During TLI, Emily will use her expertise and share the tips to create 5-Star member experience in order to attract & retain members.

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Concurrent Session #3 - Core (Rm C)

VP Public Relation / Secretary / SAA

15:20 - 16:00

Maggie Chan, ACG ALB DL3, Public Relations Manager

Maggie Chan, started her toastmasters journey 5 years ago. She appreciated Toastmasters giving her platform as a leader and a better speaker. She was President of Macau Cantonese TMC since 2016 and achieved President Distinguished club (10 DCP) for two consecutive years. After the achievement, she aimed for having better learning environment of TI in Macau and achieved Selected Distinguished Club as Area G3 Director in 2018. She trusted youngsters are our future of TI Community and then she became club coach for University of Macau TMC and coach them from 4 members and 20 members and University of Macau TMC was the first time to break the record to achieve President Distinguished Club (10DCP) this year.

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Concurrent Session #4 - Leadership Track (Rm A)

Building a Healthy Team

16:05 - 16:45

Kenneth Lau, DTM, Past District 89 Director

Mr Kenneth Lau, DTM was District 89 Director 2018-2019 of Toastmasters International supervising more than 280 clubs in Southern China, Hong Kong and Macau scattered around in 21 cities with more than 6,000 members in achieving the highest honours Smedley’s Distinguished District Director Award in the world. He was awarded Young Leader Award by Junior Chamber International Harbour in 2018. He was Champion of JCI World Public Speaking Championship Hong Kong Open Class in 2020.

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Concurrent Session #4 - Communications Track (Rm B)

Champion's tips in preparing and practicing your speech

16:05 - 16:45

Andrew Yeung, DTM, District Trainer

Andrew started his Toastmasters journey in 2005. He is a Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) and District 89 Champion (Humorous Speech 2016). He was the President of Hong Kong Toastmasters Club in 2014-15 and Founding VPE of Competitive Speakers Hong Kong Toastmasters Club. Andrew is a Corporate Trainer and Facilitator by profession. He has designed and delivered training programs in 11 countries over the past decade. He enjoys enabling positive performance changes through dynamic training workshops, seminars and programs.

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Concurrent Session #4 - Tech Track  (Rm C)

Create the Best Club Climate Online

16:05 - 16:45

Aaron Leung, DTM, Division H Director

Aaron has joined Toastmasters since 2006 and has been actively supporting Toastmasters community ever since. He believes that every talent can be nurtured and every limit can be redefined. He has visited and supported over 1100 clubs in over 80 countries and in 66 districts, pioneered the Toastmasters Clubs with Online Attendance Community since 2009 linking up with hundreds of clubs around the world for members to visit and learn from one another. He sets up online support for Gavel clubs & YLP in several countries. Till date, Aaron has done around 600 workshops online, including providing tips and guides for online contests for contestants. Aaron is a TEDxCoach, Public Speaking Trainer as well as a legal professional. During TLI, Aaron will share his tips to help you and your club on Creating the Best Club Climate Online via two scenarios: 1. 100 % Online 2. Online Attendance. It will include some basic setups and solutions to frequently seen issues.

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How to be a Distinguished Club / Club Discussion on Club Success Plan

16:55 - 17:40

Emily Ho, DTM, Club Growth Director

Discussion led by Division Directors and Area Directors

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Introducing Skynet for Clubs / Present Certificates / Closing Remarks

17:40 - 18:00

Wilson Yau, DTM

District 89 Director

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download agenda in PDF format


Public health precaution for in-person attendance

  1. In-person participants are required by the venue to wear a mask at all times, except when speaking on stage. You may want to bring an additional mask in case of drops, or bursts due to our entertaining speakers.

  2. For microphones, there will be regular sanitisation and mic cover replacement whenever there is a change of speaker.

  3. Upon entering or re-entering venue, participants would need to take temperature and hands sanitisation.

  4. In-person attendance will complete a health declaration upon arrival. You are advised to arrive a bit earlier than your planned arrival time.

  5. To further reduce the need for physical contacts, sign on/off, agenda, health declaration and other materials will be offered in soft copy.

  6. No refreshment other than bottled water will be provided. Please bring your own refreshment.

  7. The traditional Toastmasters handshaking will be replaced  by... I leave this to your creativity! Have fun. Stay safe. Looking forward to a day of fruitful training with you all!


Toastmasters International的使命








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