
The indispensable and important roles
at the conference
Do you remember the incredible 2024 Haikou Conference? I do. The unforgettable moments featuring the volunteers play in my mind like a movie. Enthusiastic volunteers from various cities gathered in Haikou, everyone energized and ready to make a difference. Their dedication and spirit created an atmosphere charged with excitement and collaboration. Every interaction, every shared smile, and every instance of teamwork painted a beautiful picture of unity and purpose.

They were everywhere at the conference! Their presence transformed the venue into something truly special. They took exceptional care of the guests and ensured that everything ran seamlessly. Every aspect of the event reflected their clever ideas and hard work, making a significant impact on the overall experience.

Without them, the Haikou Conference would not have been so successful. Thanks to their efforts, everyone who attended the conference walked away with wonderful memories.
Do you want to show your prowess at the Conference? Do you want to be a "hero" at the Conference?

District Director Tuly Lan invites you to volunteer at the 2025 Zhongshan Conference.

Zhongshan Conference
Needs You
#Discover your own spark #
The 2025 Zhongshan Conference is just around the corner, and we would love you to join our fantastic volunteer team!
2025中山峰会在紧张的筹备中!我们敞开怀抱,真诚地邀请各位会员加入我们的志愿者 “豪华天团”!
Are you great at striking up conversations and making friends effortlessly? Or do you have a knack for planning and organizing?
不管你是能说会道,和谁都能唠上几句,分分钟把气氛拉满的 “社交天花板”;还是逻辑鬼才,脑子里装着精密 “小雷达”,规划起事儿来井井有条的策划大神;

Maybe you care a lot about the details and want to make the event perfect. Or perhaps you're really good at solving problems behind the scenes.
不管你是对活动现场的每个小细节都 “上头”,一心想给大家带来超棒体验的 “细节控” 先锋;还是在后勤部分独具慧眼,总能把各种潜在问题 “扼杀在摇篮” 里的幕后大boss;
Are you a creative individual who can make promotional materials truly stand out? Or perhaps you’re a tech-savvy expert who can ensure all the equipments run smoothly? Whatever your skill sets, you’ll find an amazing opportunity here!
又或是设计技能满点,随便搞搞就能让宣传物料酷炫出圈的创意 “脑洞王”;再或是技术大拿,设备到你手里,保准跟打了鸡血似的稳定运行。只要你有一技之长,在这儿,都能找到超适配你的 “舞台 C 位”!

Don't stress if you're unsure about what to do. Just sign up quickly! We'll match you with a position that's perfectly suited to your skills and interests. That way, you can excel at the Conference!
The positions we are seeking include, but are not limited to, the following teams:
Hosting Team
Interview Team
Equipment Team
Design Team
Official Account Promotion Team
Reception Team
Your expertise and contributions would be invaluable in any of these areas!
5 steps to be Zhongshan Conference Volunteer成为中山峰会志愿者只需5步:
register 报名
mini-interview 简单面试
allocate to functional team 分配功能小组
training 培训
service 服务
#Benefits for Volunteers#
Volunteering for the 2025 Zhongshan Conference offers you more than you might imagine! It's not just an exciting experience to share; it's a truly valuable opportunity that can enrich your life.
成为 2025 中山峰会的志愿者,收获真的多到超乎想象!这可不只是一段能在朋友面前 “凡尔赛” 的超酷经历,而是会深深烙印在你生命里的宝贵财富。
If you are selected to be a volunteer for the Zhongshan Conference and successfully complete the training and your service, you will receive a unique souvenir specially designed to commemorate the event. Additionally, you'll benefit from a discounted ticket price for the Conference.

(This image is for illustration purposes only and does not represent the real souvenir. We are still planning a wonderful gift. 此图仅为配图,并不表示实物如此。中山峰会志愿者纪念品尚处于设计构思阶段,让我们一起期待吧 。)
The Conference team reserves the right of final interpretation for it.
As a volunteer, you'll have the opportunity to connect with wonderful individuals from various clubs. You'll forge new friendships and enhance your teamwork skills. Additionally, you'll improve your communication abilities and learn how to effectively navigate challenges.
在服务过程中,你将结识来自各个分会的优秀会员,拓展人脉,收获珍贵的友谊。而且,参与峰会的各项工作,你的组织协调能力、沟通能力、应变能力等都将得到全方位的提升,就像是开启一场能力的全面 “升级打怪” 之旅。

Most importantly, at the conference, you'll have the chance to showcase your unique qualities to a wider audience. Attendees will recognize your abilities and contributions, effectively giving your name a distinguished shine. This experience will elevate your profile within the Toastmasters community!
更为重要的是,在峰会这个充满聚光灯的舞台上,独特的你可以被更多人看见 。无论是参会的嘉宾,还是来自不同地区的会员,都将有机会领略你的风采与能力,这就相当于给你的个人品牌贴上了一张闪亮的 “爆款标签”,让你在演讲会的圈子里迅速 “出圈”,影响力爆棚!
Region Advisor invites you to conference!区域顾问邀请你来参加中山峰会啦!

#How to sign up to be a volunteer?#
Don’t hesitate! Seize the opportunity! If you’re a member of a club in District 89, this is your chance to experience the charm of Zhongshan and the warmth of its people. Join us as a volunteer for the 2025 Zhongshan Conference!
不要犹豫!不要等待!作为 89 大区各分会的会员,这是你们近距离感受中山独特魅力与中山人热情好客、积极向上风采的绝佳契机。赶紧加入我们,成为 2025 中山峰会的志愿者吧!
Let’s come together and use our hands and minds to make this event truly exceptional. It will be an experience we can all take pride in, and we will grow and evolve together as a result!
用我们的双手和智慧,为这场盛会注入灵魂,让它成为所有人心中的白月光,甚至以后每每谈及这段闪耀的经历都会自豪不已。让我们一起为这场盛会拼尽全力,我们都将迎来炸裂式的成长与蜕变 !
Join us now! Please scan the QR code below to register before February 20, 2025.

This year, with hard work of all our members,
let's achieve our goal of attaining
'Distinguished District'!

Behind the Scenes Team
文案 - Cherie Chen
2025 Zhongshan Conference
Marketing Chair
编辑 & 排版 - Cherie Chen
2025 Zhongshan Conference
Marketing Chair
校对 - Eragon Fong
Mervyn Liao
John Ngai
2025 Zhongshan Conference Chair
Bharat Nangia
2025 Zhongshan Conference Public Relations Manager
June Huang
Area R4 Director
Sara Huang
审核 -
Tuly Lan
D89 Director