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2023-24 District 89 2nd District Council Meeting

Please be invited to join 2023-2024 District 89 Council Meeting with details as below:

诚邀阁下参加 2023-24年度 89大区理事会会议,详情如下:

Date日期 : 24-5-2024 (Friday 星期五)

Time时间: 20:00-22:00  晚上八時正至十時正

Meeting Tool会议工具: Hyrbid (Haikou Conference Hall + Zoom online)

(Meeting details will be sent to registered attendees before the meeting 详细信息将在会议前提供)

Meeting documents:

1) Meeting Agenda

2) Instruction for Zoom [International Edition of Zoom] [Chinese Edition of Zoom]

3) Robert's Rules of Order 罗伯特议事规则

4) Last Meeting Minutes

5) Profit & Loss Statement for 2023-2024 term

6) Proposed District Realignment for 2024-2025

* Please register to confirm your attendance on or before 21 May 2023 23:59 (UTC/GMT+8)

D89 2023-24 District Council Meeting Registration


* In the event of discrepancy between Club President and VP Education's instruction on vote assignment, the Club President's will prevail.

* Please note members can hold a maximum of two club votes across all clubs in which they are President or VPE.

* If you are holding Club President/ VP Education role in more than one club, please register separately for each club.

Thanks for registering to confirm your attendance!

Sorry, this form no longer accepts submissions. Please contact Administration Manager if you need any assistance.

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